Online Course Exception Request

Instructions for completing the Online Course Registration and/or Multiple Course Exception Petition for SBTS On-Campus Students

  1. If you are a Boyce College On-Campus Student, go to the following form: Online Course Registration Request Form – Boyce College
  2. SBTS Student, read the criteria below to determine if you meet the requirements for submitting the request. Please do not submit a petition form if you do not clearly meet the criteria.
  3. Complete the petition form below, including as much pertinent information as possible in the reason for the request, or the process will be delayed by our seeking for more details from you.  Be sure to include the course code/number for the requested course(s) i.e., 21111AWW as well as your anticipated Graduation year and semester.   The Office of Student Success may ask for additional information for further clarification; contact them with any questions concerning your submission or the form.
  4. The Office of Student Success will inform you of the decision towards your request, via email, prior to the start of the selected registration term, i.e., FALL(F1, F2), JA, SPRING(S1, S2), or SU.
  5. If approved, you will be registered for the course or courses in compliance with all other registration policies.

Criteria for Granting Registration and/or Multiple Course Exceptions to On-Campus Students for Online Courses

The following circumstances will be grounds for considering student requests for exception from the online course policies preventing on-campus students from registering for online courses and/or preventing on-campus students from taking more than one online course per semester. Note that the presence of one or more of these circumstances does not automatically guarantee the granting of an exception. Each student’s request will be considered individually.

  1. The course is necessary to complete the on-campus student’s graduation requirements. The student must be eligible for graduation at the end of the semester in which the course is being offered. In addition, the course must not be offered in any on-campus format during that semester or, if it is, there must be an unavoidable schedule conflict with another required course.
  2. The student commutes 50 miles or more one way in order to attend on-campus courses.
  3. The student is suffering a physical injury, disease, or disability limiting their ability to attend on-campus courses.
  4. The student has firmly established plans to move away from the Louisville area (more than 120 miles) during the semester in which the course is offered.
  5. The respective school dean determines whether the student has experienced an extraordinary circumstance predicating the need to register early. Full-time employment does not qualify as an extraordinary circumstance.

By submitting this form, I hereby agree that the below-written statements are factual and true to the best of my knowledge.

Southern Seminary Online Course Registration Exception Request

"*" indicates required fields

Enter six-digit Student ID number.
Address (during term of requested course(s))*
Email format: First initial, last name, last three digits of Student ID# followed by Please verify your email address before completing this form.

Online Course Information

NOTE: The format of this form has been updated. Please read carefully.
This field is hidden when viewing the form
Please list course number(s). You may enter more than one course number, if applicable.
Please list course number(s). You may enter more than one course number, if applicable.
Please list course number(s) for FA1. You may enter more than one course number, if applicable.
Please list course number(s) for FA2. You may enter more than one course number, if applicable.
Have you discussed your need to take this course with a Student Success advisor?
Please provide as much clear, detailed information as possible for requesting the above Online Course(s). Failure to provide sufficient and necessary information will affect the length of processing time.


Please be sure to click the submit button below to complete your request. You will receive an automatic confirmation to the email you entered above.

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