The vision and purpose of the Doxology vocal ensemble is to provide musically excellent, gospel-centered worship leadership for the seminary community, our constituent churches and related entities, and to serve as ambassadors of the Billy Graham School and Southern Seminary throughout the region and nation.

Norton Hall Band
Norton Hall Band exists to encourage and promote Christ-centered, gospel-focused worship through biblically-guided worship, original compositions, artistic excellence and service to the seminary community, our constituent churches. Norton Hall Band is also available to lead worship at conferences, student unions, and church events.
Southern Chorale
Southern Chorale is a choral ensemble that provides worship leadership primarily for SBTS chapel services. The chorale prepares a wide variety of chorale literature – from traditional spirituals and sacred chorale works to modern worship songs. All singers (students, faculty, staff and friends of the seminary) are welcome to take part in the Southern Chorale.
Chapel Orchestra
The Chapel Orchestra provides instrumental preludes and worship accompaniment for the Tuesday morning chapels at Southern. From more traditional hymn renditions to the newest Praise Chart arrangements, the orchestra plays a wide variety of musical styles and genres. The ensemble utilizes instruments from both the symphonic band and string orchestra in fulfilling its purpose to provide instrumental accompaniment in the enhancement of corporate worship.