Cooperation and involvement of all members of the seminary community in our campus safety and security program is absolutely necessary. At the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, we sincerely believe that “Security Begins With You”. The students and staff must assume responsibility for their own personal safety and security by taking simple common sense precautions.
Crime Prevention Video

The following link contains basic safety and security tips for keeping everyone safe on campus.
Firearms, Weapons, & Explosives Policy
Institutional policy strictly prohibits the unlawful possession or use of firearms, weapons, or explosives by any persons on the Institution’s campus, or while attending Institution-related off-campus events or activities.
Kentucky Revised Statutes allows the Institution to limit/prohibit the possession of any firearm, weapon, or explosive. Members of the Institutional community are not allowed to carry and/or possess firearms, weapons, or explosives at any time while in buildings or on property owned or used by the Institution, whether licensed to do so or not. Members of the Institutional community are also prohibited from carrying and/or possessing firearms, weapons, or explosives at any time while working or attending Institutional or Institution-related events, whether on Institution property or not.
The Institution also prohibits guests from carrying and/or possessing firearms, weapons, and explosives on Institution property or while attending Institution-related off-campus events or activities. Guests, for the purposes of this provision, include, but are not limited to, vendors, visitors, customers, and potential customers of the Institution, excluding law enforcement officers.
Exceptions to this policy are those required by Kentucky Revised Statutes.
Any device that shoots a bullet, pellet, flare, tranquilizer, spear dart or other projectile, whether loaded or unloaded, including those powered by CO2. This includes, but is not limited to, guns, air guns, dart guns, pistols, revolvers, rifles, shot guns, cannons, etc., and any ammunition for any such device.
Any device that is designed to or traditionally used to inflict harm. This includes, but is not limited to: 1) firearms, slingshots, switchblades, daggers, blackjacks, brass knuckles, bows and arrows, hand grenades, hunting knives, nun-chucks, throwing stars, etc.; 2) any object that could be reasonably construed as a weapon; or 3) any object legally controlled as a weapon or treated as a weapon under the laws of the jurisdiction in which the Institution is located.
Any chemical compound or mechanical mixture that contains any oxidizing or combustible units, or other ingredients, in such proportion, quantities or packing that an ignition by fire, friction, concussion, percussion, or detonator, or any part of the compound or mixture, may cause a sudden generation of highly heated gases that results in gaseous pressures capable of producing destructive efforts on contiguous objects or of destroying life or limb. This includes, but is not limited to, fireworks of any kind, black powder, dynamite, etc.
Reports of any violation shall be made to the Chief of Campus Police or any “on-duty” Campus Police officer.
Hazardous Materials
This policy does not replace or conflict with any federal, state, or local law or ordinance pertaining to employee labor laws through OSHA or the Kentucky Labor Cabinet, but provides guidelines for persons who live, reside or occupy any dorm, residential hall, or other building owned and/or controlled by the Institution. The term, “hazardous materials,” refers to any substance or material that is capable of posing an unreasonable risk to health or safety when transported, stored, or illegally possessed. Included are waste, pollutants, petroleum products, and any other elevated temperature material deemed to be hazardous. At no time may hazardous materials (including charcoal lighter fluid and auto oil or fuel) be taken into or stored in any housing unit without proper authority.
Though not all-inclusive, the following list identifies a few of the prohibited materials or substances that a reasonable person should not possess on Institution property — explosives; poisonous gas; flammable liquids or solids; oxidizers; corrosives; infectious substances; spontaneously combustible liquids, substances, or solids. This policy does not inhibit the use of materials legally needed by employees for their work tasks, in which all hazardous materials are stored, controlled, and used in accordance with OSHA, state, federal, and local laws. The Chief of Campus Police must approve the use of all hazardous materials.
Unmanned Aircraft Systems – Drone – Model Aircraft Policy
This policy establishes an approval process and procedures to ensure safe and responsible operation of any unmanned aircraft system (“UAS”) or Model Aircraft on all owned, operated, or controlled property of The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary (“SBTS”) and Boyce College (“Boyce”), and off campus in the U.S. national airspace system.
Bicycle Enforcement
Campus Police does not register bicycles, however, there are rules and regulations that apply to all bicycles that are parked on the Southern and Boyce Campus.
- All bicycles must be parked in designated bicycle racks or approved parking areas.
- Bicycles found not in designated racks or approved parking areas will be subject to impound.
- Campus Police Officers are authorized to cut locks and chains on bicycles parked in undesignated areas.
- Campus Police will hold all impounded bicycles for a minimum of 30 days.
- Bicycle owners seeking to claim a bicycle must provide a Shield Card or a valid government issued ID as well as a description of the bicycle, to include where the bicycle was located at the time of impound.
- Bicycles found to be in disrepair or in an inoperable condition, regardless of location, will be tagged with a 72 hour notice. If Campus Police Officers find the bicycle to still be in an inoperable condition after a 72 hour period, the bicycle will be subject to impound.
- On campus residents must register their bicycle with Student Life/Housing (Boyce) or Housing (SBTS).
All bicycles which have been in impound for more than 30 days will be considered abandoned property. Campus Police has partnered with Northeast Christian Church and the Trikes for Tikes program to donate all abandoned bicycles. Anyone wishing to contact the Trikes for Tikes program can reach them at (502) 295-5351, (502) 767-3855, or online at
Click on the button below to view all bicycle racks and designated parking areas on our campus.