Spring Invite Graphic 2025

The Woman’s Auxiliary

Upcoming Event:

The Woman’s Auxiliary Spring Luncheon

Monday, April 28, 2025
Heritage Hall | 11:30am-1:00pm

The Woman’s Auxiliary of Southern Seminary invites you to join us for the 2025 Spring Luncheon.

This annual luncheon is known to feature wonderful food, encouraging fellowship, and a faithful guest speaker who will encourage us in our walk with Christ.

This year we look forward to hearing from Glenna Marshall on the topic of “Faithfulness is a Lifelong Calling.” To learn more about this event and register, please click the button below or call the Institutional Advancement office at (502) 897-4143.

Register for Luncheon

The Woman's Auxiliary logo

Our Mission

Why Support The Woman’s Auxiliary?

The Woman’s Auxiliary (WA) serves a unique purpose in the life of The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, the oldest institution of the Southern Baptist Convention. WA is a vital part of the life of the seminary, where around 5,500 men and women are preparing for service in Christian ministry and missions.

For over 60 years, WA of The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary has been helping students achieve their goal of being trained to serve our Lord. From its beginning, the major purpose of the WA has been to provide scholarships for female students.

In addition, WA also contributes to select campus enhancement projects, supports seminary families residing in campus housing, and helps meet the needs of our international students.

Women sorting clothes in The Southern Exchange

Giving Support

WA gives support to international students and takes on projects around the campus including The Southern Exchange, a ministry for the benefit of currently enrolled SBTS and Boyce students and their immediate families that provides donated gently used clothing for men, women and children as well as household items and furniture.

Popular items that are always needed at The Southern Exchange are:

  • Gently used or new clothing for older girls
  • Gently used or new clothing for boys of all ages
  • Gently used or new furniture and toys

Our Purpose

The purpose of WA is:

  • To provide scholarships for qualified women students*
  • To enlist prayer support for the seminary community
  • To minister to Southern Seminary’s international students
  • To foster development of the seminary through the active participation of women in projects to enhance the seminary’s usefulness to the denomination and to the cause of Christ
  • To acquaint women with the facilities, programs, and needs of The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary
  • To network women to work together for the cause of Christ

*If you or someone you know is interested in applying for the Woman’s Auxiliary Scholarship, visit this link for more information.

Our Early History

First born in the heart of the seminary president, Dr. Duke McCall, and supported by his wife, Marguerite, the originally called Women’s Committee was to give a woman’s touch to the Southern campus.

In April 1961, with the help of Mrs. Ellis A. Fuller whose husband preceded Dr. McCall as president of the seminary, the Women’s Committee was founded and the first luncheon held on May 17, 1961 with 15 women from churches in Cherokee, Dixie, Seneca, Iroquois, and Shawnee areas attending.

On November 8, 1961, an estimated 200 gathered in Broadus Hall for the first meeting. The founders agreed, “Love is something you do” and adopted this as their theme for their work. Years later, the name was changed to the Woman’s Auxiliary (WA). The work of WA continues strong to this day.

Past Events

Fall 2024 Luncheon

On September 16, 2024, many women gathered at the annual Fall Networking Luncheon. Attendees had the opportunity to hear from faculty wives as they shared from their recently published books as well as from Southern Seminary’s Chef Meg Hiser as she presented a cooking demonstration.

Spring 2024 Luncheon

On April 29, 2024, over 260 women from local churches heard from guest speaker, Whitney Capps, as she spoke on God, His Goodness – What to Do When it Doesn’t Seem So Good, using Romans 8 as her text.

Watch Now | Listen Now

Fall 2023 Networking Luncheon

On September 18, 2023, over 100 women from local churches gathered at the Woman’s Auxiliary Fall Networking Luncheon. Guests were able to attend three out of the four following mini-sessions.

Spring 2023 Luncheon

On April 24, 2023, over 250 women from local churches heard from guest speaker, Jaylynn Cook, as she read from Jeremiah 3:19-24 and addressed the topic, “Holding On To Hope”.

Listen Now

Spring 2022 Luncheon

On April 11, 2022, the Women’s Auxiliary hosted our Spring Luncheon. Over 200 women attended from local churches as our guest speaker, Courtney Reissig, spoke on the topic, “Be Prepared: How Psalm 1-2 is a Framework For Life”.

Listen Now

Fall 2021 Networking Luncheon

On September 27th, 2021, the Women’s Auxiliary hosted our Fall Networking Luncheon. We gathered to hear women from all walks of life speak on several different topics. The following seminars were offered:

  • Parenting: Raising Up “Aliens” in Today’s World
  • Renewing our Minds: Reviving the Love of Reading
  • Quick to Covet: Doing Battle with the Desire of the Eyes

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