Bible Translators in Training exists to:
- Seek God’s will in the global needs and opportunities of Bible translation and its relationship to the Great Commission.
- Raise awareness and cultivate a desire for Bible translation and missions for unreached people groups among students.
- Provide learning opportunities from organizations and on-field missionaries through various events each semester.
- Encourage fellowship through prayer and worship every Thursday night.
Upcoming Events
Thursday Prayer Nights
- Beginning January 30th
- 6:00-6:30 PM | Honeycutt 246
We will learn about and pray for an unreached people group each Thursday.
Missionary Series: Dave and Judy from South Asia
- Thursday, February 20th
- 7:00-8:30 PM
- Coffee and desserts are provided
This couple serves with the IMB in South Asia.
written and oral translation on the mission field. Come hear how God is using them to bring His Word in South Asia.
Sign up for this event here.