Step 1: Get to Know Southern Seminary Online
Take a moment to get to know our faculty, our convictions, and our story. Inquire with the offices below about how online learning carries out the mission of Southern Seminary.
Contact Information
Contact Admissions
Talk to an admissions counselor about our online degrees and about what makes Southern Seminary Online excellent.
Webpage: Admissions
Phone: 1-800-626-5525 ext. 4200
Contact Online Learning
Explore the site, email, or call to discover more about what it is like to be an online student with Southern Seminary.
Phone: 1-800-626-5525 ext. 4701

Step 2: Apply Online
Applying online is easy. Check the admission requirements below to complete your application. Select either “internet” or “on campus” as your student status depending on how far away from campus you live.
Admission Requirements
For program specific admissions requirements for the M.Div, visit here. All application forms can be downloaded here.
Internet-Only Student Status
You must live at least 50 miles outside of Louisville, KY to qualify as an internet-only student. By selecting this status in your online application, you will see all online courses when on your Canvas dashboard.
On-Campus Student Status
Electing the on-campus student status will give you access to all on-campus, hybrid, and conference courses in your MySBTS registration page. If you need to take an online class as an on-campus student, please fill out an online registration request form.

Step 3: Gaining Access
Upon acceptance to Southern Seminary, you will be given access to Canvas where all of your coursework will be completed. You will also have access the important distant student services below.
SBTS Student Email
Be sure to check your student email at least twice weekly. This is where you will receive all Southern Seminary correspondence and updates. You will receive your student email account information upon acceptance to Southern.
Library Distance Student Services
The James P. Boyce Centennial Library provides you, the distance student, with many convenient services. Request a book to be sent to you, browse the digital library, or request a book through interlibrary loan.
Where do I pay my tuition? Where can I check my student status? Login to MySBTS to do all of this and more.

Step 4: Prior to Your First Class
You are almost ready to begin your first online class, but first, you need to complete some paperwork and consider taking any advanced placement tests.
SBC Verification Form
Members of Southern Baptist churches receive subsidized tuition rates. View the tuition and fees page for more information.
Financial Aid
To receive financial aid through Southern Seminary, you must be a full-time student taking more on-campus classes than online classes. Contact the Financial Aid office for details.
Advanced Placement Tests
Students may take advanced placement tests on campus or may contact an The Center for Student Success to arrange an off-campus proctored test.

More Questions?
Contact or visit our FAQ page to find out more.