Ph.D. Current Students

Helpful Resources

Prospectus Process

The prospectus process page details the student’s work through the prospectus hearing and research request paperwork, explaining the content of the prospectus, along with differences between residential hearings and modular hearings.

Dissertation Process

The dissertation process page explains each necessary step for the student to complete in order to successfully defend his or her dissertation and graduate.

Graduation Information

The graduation information page is updated each semester by the graduation coordinator, walking students through ordering regalia, following the order of events, and answering any questions.

Community Life

The community life page lays out the lectures of 1892 each semester and provides a list of the different aspects of community that RDS makes available to Ph.D. students.


The exams page includes information on comprehensive exams and language exams.  It also details the language requirement and other options to fulfill it.

Useful Forms

The useful forms page includes links to many forms needed by a Ph.D. student at RDS.

Professors talking while walking on campus

Doctoral Development Scholarship

The Doctoral Development scholarship assists students in participating in ETS.

The Research Doctoral Studies office is excited to announce the creation of the Doctoral Development Scholarship. In an effort to encourage excellence in scholarship and promote academic engagement, the RDS office will award scholarships to students who present papers at major academic conferences.

The specific amount awarded will vary based on the number of successful applicants. Please email for more information and to apply. 

Woman using laptop

Writing Center

The writing center has a page devoted specifically to doctoral students, complete with writing templates, the style reading link, and many other useful resources.

Contact Us

Director of Research Doctoral Studies

Dr. Gregory A. Wills
(502) 897-4317
Norton 157

Assistant Director of Research Doctoral Studies

Mr. Thomas Holsteen
(502) 897-4064
Norton 167

Administrative Assistant of Research Doctoral Studies

Mrs. Jacob Myrick
(502) 897-4119
Norton 157

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